develop|developed|developing|develops in English


[de·vel·op || dɪ'veləp]

build, improve; mature, grow

Use "develop|developed|developing|develops" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "develop|developed|developing|develops" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "develop|developed|developing|develops", or refer to the context using the word "develop|developed|developing|develops" in the English Dictionary.

1. Atypically developing children also develop within atypical environments

2. Afric develops new and more equitable practices and approaches appropriate for the developing and emerging world

3. Adverb [ADVERB after verb] If something develops or continues Apace, it is developing or continuing quickly.

4. China is a developing country while Japan is a developed one.

5. This assumption underlies literacy programmes both in the developed and developing world.

6. Agency-to-agency arrangements between developing and developed countries can be useful.

7. There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.

8. Others recognize a style within a developing story and use it to develop the narrative.

9. Most indirect-developing species, which develop from a small egg with little yolk through planktotrophic larval stages, form a blastula with a smooth Blastular wall, whereas direct-developing species, which develop from a large yolky egg, …

10. The laws of the developing country were assimilated to those of the developed country.

11. Cigarette smokers who quit prior to developing abnormal lung function are unlikely to develop ventilatory limitations.

12. Canada was a developing colony and America too was in its initial stages of develop - ment .

13. In fact, some developing countries now had capabilities more advanced than that of developed countries.

14. All through the developed world-and now in developing countries-obesity is on the rise.

15. It was characterized primarily by the transferring of factories from the developed to the developing world.

16. Archenteron or the digestive tube is the primitive gut developed during gastrulation in the developing embryo

17. But for various reasons, the education development priority has formed the formidable contrast in the developed country, the developing country and the least developed country.

18. The final chapter contrasts the current NCC Competitiveness framework with this research and develops a set of concrete suggestions for further developing it.

19. Coast line of Davao Islands long 6800 meters, 84 bays of littoral can develop port, developed

20. Red raspberry and Backberry belong to Labour intensive industry, compared with developed countries, most of developing countries, including China, have the advantage of developing on large scale.

21. 26 With inventory management information system developing widely and deeply, inventory decision support system has been a develop direction.

22. Conversion Sound has developed a high quality, ultra-low-cost digital hearing aid for the developing world.

23. Actually, the only existing differentiation was between developing countries (non-annex I) and developed countries (annex I

24. In some developing and developed nations, the domestic pig is usually raised outdoors in yards or fields.

25. Archenteron The primitive gut that forms during gastrulationin the developing blastulais known as the Archenteron. It develops into the digestive tract of an animal.